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I’ll be your regular Good News and Fun correspondent from south-west France.

I’m the English cartoonist living in Nouvelle Aquitaine and I invite you into my world of fun.

Subscribe and you’ll get full access to my regular newsletter and website. Never miss an update. I’ll do my best to inform, entertain and even amuse you. For the moment, the cartoon strips are free, as well, and I do hope you like them.

Some aspects of my work will eventually come with a paid subscription only but that’s not for a while yet..

Merrie England: An English cartoonist living in France! Subscription is still free, so sign up to receive new posts and support my harmless drudgery. It’s all free for the time being!

Who is this fellow?

I’m Ashley Rigden, a native of London. I spent my whole career doing grown-up things I would have preferred not to do but which had to be done to put the dinner on the table.

But now, here in rural France, I can be that little boy of golden memory, stretched out in front of the three-bar electric fire, pencil and paper spread on the carpet, drawing whenever and whatever I want. Ever since I saw my first comic strip in the rolled-up newspapers my father would discard onto the kitchen table, I’ve dreamt of creating, writing and drawing my own.

The fruit of that dream is Merrie England.

History is one of my favourite subjects, though not all that portentous stuff about kings, queens, war and conquest. I like to read about how normal people lived, what was the state of their cottage, house or barn, their linen, sanitary arrangements, dental health; you know, the fun stuff! The everyday, humdrum business of getting a living and trying to keep from penury. Every time I do something mundane, like turning on the television, a little thought goes through my head saying “Back in 1350, people couldn’t do this.” I mean to say, it took two days to travel from Norwich to London, a trip that can be done in a couple of hours today, if the traffic isn’t too bad!

I’m also fascinated by the fact that folk were so credulous back then and by how often they were swindled out of their hard-earned income by those who preyed on their defencelessness. It still happens today, of course, but now it’s about brand names rather than holy relics.

These are the reasons why Merrie England exists. It’s my love of cartoon drawing and of medieval history.

When I’m not drawing, I also play guitar and sing a bit. The kinder folk suggest that I have a voice similar to Johnny Cash but with an English RP accent, if you can imagine that! Those are the kinder folk, though. I know that I have a strong voice and that I can pretty well hold a tune but I’m very much a blunt instrument, vocally.

I find that a drop of red wine is a super lubricant for singing and truly, some of our best evenings here have been spent with just a little too much wine and good friends bent on musical merriment.

Leona and I have had holiday properties here in France since 2003. Not more than one at the same time, of course! We’ve been here in the Deux-Sèvres department full-time since October 2020 and I have to say that I don’t miss Britain one tiny bit. Sadly, Leona doesn’t quite feel the same and so, in the next couple of years, it looks as though we’ll be heading back to where they speak the same language as us. But for the time being, I’m enjoying La Belle France and savouring every day.

FOMO avoidance

Never miss a moment’s news or fun! I will try to avoid serious stuff, as this is all about pleasure. So, it’s cartoons and commentary with links to my videos on YouTube to help you learn how to draw cartoons, if that’s useful to you.

Every time I write a piece, it’ll ping its way to your inbox. I’ll be overjoyed if you’ll share my scribblings with your friends. After all, having made the effort to write, one likes to be read as widely as possible!

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You’re very welcome, as are your comments and observations.

Lastly, come along and subscribe to my YouTube channel! It’s all fun and it’s all free!

See you soon, I hope!

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Subscribe to Merrie England: An English cartoonist living in France

The "Merrie England" cartoon strip, plus my occasional musings on being a cartoonist and life as an Englishman here in south-west France


I am an English cartoonist and occasional writer living in south-west France. I spend my time drawing cartoons, playing guitar and reading. Red wine is a big help..